Well, we’ve been watching a lot of bisexual porn lately, mostly through the great Bimaxx updates which is always great inspiration and/or vicarious fantasy fulfillment. Recently we watched a different type of flick called Bisexual (Bisexxxual, actually) Encounters of the Extreme Kind by a guy named Roy Alexandre who has been shooting a lot of tranny porn for years and now made a segue into bi porn. I’ll have to admit that some of it was indeed a little extreme, even for us, as I don’t particularly care for “ass to mouth” too much even in straight porn. I know porn assholes are so clean you can eat off of them, supposedly. (And they essentially do(!)) but I’m not really sure that it’s erotic to start sucking a cock that was just in someone’s ass; it’s meant more for shock value. That doesn’t mean we didn’t masturbate to it, LOL. Anyway I did recognize two guys from Bimaxx and Guys Go Crazy, Leon Cook aka Leon Cooper and Denis Reed in that extreme scene with a gorgeous brunette. Being completely enthralled with Bimaxx, I’m starting to look into who these models are and will post more about them because now I’m getting a little curious about the other work they’ve done. Leon is super cute and is always very enthusiastic during the Bimaxx orgy parties that makes this site so sensational. He and Czech porn star Tera Joy who’s on this site quite a bit and who loves bi guys it seems, are often the most eager beavers out there. More on Leon Cook and Tera Joy in the next post. In the meantime enjoy the bi orgy clips.

Bisexual encounters of the extreme kind with bimaxx model leon cook

This is Leon Cooper, Leo Cooper, Leon Cook, btw.

leon cooper aka leon cook

And here he is banging both his boyfriend and this hot girl at the same time!

bisexual threesome mmf sex from bimaxx

One Response to “Roy Alexandre’s Bisexxxual Encounters of the Extreme Kind, Starring Leon Cook From Bimaxx is a Bit Extreme but Bimaxx is Always Hot”
  1. denis reed does bisexual, straight and gay orgy porn | Bi Porn Stars says:

    [...] suppose he’s really not that scary but what freaked me out was after watching Bisexual Encounters of the Extreme Kind, where he does male/male/female ass to mouth. Meaning, he’s fucking a guy in the ass, pulls [...]

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